New Study Explores Sleep & Mental Health in Teens The connection between sleep and mental health in teens is often overlooked by parents and doctors. Making the new research paper published by UniSA sleep experts Dr Alex Agostini and Dr Stephanie Centofanti, all...
New Study Finds Maternity Leave Improves Health Outcomes Scientists in Norway studied new mothers in the late 1970s and discovered that paid maternity leave has long-term health benefits. Unlike previous research that looked at the short-term benefits of maternity...
Alarmingly high’ Vitamin D Deficiency in Britain A recent large scale population study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition found that a massive 50 per cent of Asians living in the UK were severely deficient in vitamin D. Furthermore, more than a third of...
Study Shows How Our Gut Microbes Impact Sleep Patterns In a study led by Professor Masashi Yanagisawa at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, researchers focused on how gut microbes impact sleep patterns. Microbes alter their environment, producing neurotransmitters...
3 Key Lifestyle Factors That Predict Mental & Physical Health. Over the past few years, it’s become ever more clear that what we consume affects our overall health and wellbeing. However, many of us haven’t taken this evidence-based information seriously. ...
Poor Childhood Nutrition Could Have Created 20cm Height Gap A new paper published by the Imperial College of London, in the journal The Lancet has identified that poor nutrition could be responsible for creating a 20 cm height gap across nations. To put that in...