Remove Skin Tags Naturally In Under 2 Weeks

Did you know that there’s a quick and easy way to get rid of skin tags and warts?

When I say quickly, it can be as soon as overnight.

…or in a few days.

 In certain circumstances it may take up to two weeks to fully get rid of them.

During this process, you’re going to see them lessen, then disappear.

Getting rid of the skin tags is very easy to do.

It’s a simple two ingredient remedy.

But why do you have skin tags or warts in the first place?

 A skin tag or wart is an indicator.

It’s your body’s way of saying that there’s something else going on under the surface

…that you should pay attention to.

 It’s important to understand the reason behind the symptom.

That way, you get rid of tags, or warts, and make sure they don’t come back.

There are other problems that are probably existing right now in your body.

Related to the underlying cause of tags or warts showing up.

Which we’ll explore in depth in this article.


What do we know about skin tags or warts?

We know we have an unwanted growth of cells and the term for that is an “anabolic response.” Anabolic means the growth of something. It’s actually similar to a mini little tumor. It’s a benign tumor. Benign tumors are not cancer. Cancer involves something called a malignancy, which is spreading out of control. A benign tumor happens at a very certain location and it gets to a certain size, but it doesn’t take over the body.  

Skin tags usually form around the folds of your skin on your neck, or armpit. But they can appear in other locations. Such as, in your mouth, your esophagus, the trachea, the larynx, or on your private parts. There is a high association between skin tags and warts and human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is not just one virus, it is over 130 or 140 different types of human papilloma viruses. Each one can create different situations. Skin tags are more common in women. But why? Women have more estrogen, and also there’s a higher incidence of skin tags when a woman gets pregnant. Which would validate this estrogen situation. Also estrogen is an anabolic hormone – it’s designed to make cells grow.


Why does weight gain cause skin tags?

The more fat that you have, the more estrogen you’re going to make. If someone (either male or female) is overweight, they’re going to make more estrogen. The last point about estrogen is that not only is there a high risk factor for getting skin tags, there’s a higher risk factor of just having HPV and HPV related cancers.  

There’s another interesting piece of information relating to skin tags. And that would be an increased risk of skin tags in conditions like diabetes obesity and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This is related to the underlying cause of diabetes and obesity. Which is high levels of insulin, and insulin resistance.

Skin tags, warts and insulin resistance

Researchers studied 98 cases of people with skin tags, and nearly all of them had insulin resistance.  They found a very very strong association between skin tags and insulin resistance. Skin tags and high triglycerides. As well as skin tags and obesity. Basically high triglycerides and obesity are related to insulin resistance as well. Another thing that’s interesting about insulin resistance is that you have a situation where you have a lot of insulin in the body. Compensating for this insulin resistance in the cell.   

Insulin is supposed to penetrate the mitochondria, the energy factory of the cell, to make ATP.  ATP is essentially energy. When insulin doesn’t create ATP to the degree it should, then the body sees this feedback loop, and it starts making a lot of insulin. The thing is this insulin isn’t connecting with the mitochondria. When you don’t have enough insulin connecting with the mitochondria you get lower numbers of mitochondria.



Mitochondria, at the heart of skin tags and warts

Dysfunctional mitochondria are at the heart of both cancer and benign tumors (like skin tags) This may be the biggest mechanism underlying why people get skin tags. It’s to do with what’s going on at the mitochondrial level. I’m going to get to the remedy next. But I just want to emphasize the importance of understanding the mechanism behind skin tags,  and what you can do about it. Firstly you could fix insulin resistance. As well as estrogen dominance if you have that problem. Chances are, it’s going to be more of an insulin resistance problem. 

The solution for that is getting on the healthy version of the ketogenic diet. As well as intermittent fasting, to make sure that after you get rid of the skin tags, they don’t come back. Additionally, your mitochondria are fueled by vitamin d. So if you live in the UK in winter, it’s a great idea to supplement your diet with vitamin d, as you’ll most likely be deficient in the depths of winter.

A natural remedy for skin tags or warts

The natural remedy is super simple. There are just two ingredients – iodine in garlic. What’s interesting about iodine is not only can it inhibit HPV, but it can also help regulate estrogen. For the remedy, use a few drops of iodine. Place them in a little container,or a dish. Put two drops of iodine into your container. Then you take some fresh garlic and crush a little bit of it to get a couple drops. 

Mix a couple drops of garlic with the iodine together, and then you take a little cotton swab and dip it in your solution. Put the loaded swab directly on the skin tag or wart. Then put a plaster or tape over it. Apply that same mixture twice a day. Store your solution in the fridge to keep the garlic fresh. If you’d like to go one step further, you can take oral iodine and garlic supplements. To help your body heal from the inside out.

Allicin does most of the magic

You don’t have to worry about the iodine, but the garlic needs to stay fresh and potent. That’s because garlic contains a certain vital nutrient called Allicin. That’s doing all the magic. It’s anti-cancer, and  antiviral.  You’ll notice that after a day of using this, that there’s a significant shrinkage of the skin tag. That’s if it’s not completely gone. It depends on the severity of insulin resistance in the body. 

It could take up to two weeks, but you should see a lessening of the skin tag over time. Which should help keep you motivated and consistent. If possible, make a new batch of solution each day. To maintain the potency of the garlic. You can just cut up the garlic clove, crush different pieces of it each day and it’ll go a long way.

Important note:

We want the garlic to stay fresh so use a fresh garlic clove each day. Keep applying it to the surface of your skin for up to two weeks.


The bottom line

While understanding and applying a natural solution for skin tags is great for reducing the growth, the key to keeping them at bay is addressing the underlying cause. This means that a change of lifestyle might be on the cards. For example, intermittent fasting, a ketogenic diet and a regular exercise routine will go a long way to helping with balancing out your metabolism. Metabolic syndrome is rampant in the west, and something that’s easily reversed with good lifestyle choices. Remember to ensure that you have enough vitamin d to power your cells, and give this remedy a go, while it’s still fresh on your mind.

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