Natural Remedies For Boosting Melanin Levels

Natural Remedies For Boosting Melanin Levels

Natural Remedies For Boosting Melanin Levels Looking to boost melanin production? You’ve come to the right place! Melanin is a pigment seen in your skin, hair and eyes It’s what gives them their colour Produced by melanocytes, melanin can also be found in the...
4 Unusual Herbs That Promote a Good Nights Sleep

4 Unusual Herbs That Promote a Good Nights Sleep

4 Unusual Herbs That Promote a Good Nights Sleep We’re currently experiencing a worldwide lack of sleep.  People’s busy lifestyles often don’t prioritise sleep. Life can easily become overwhelming.  Japan has the worst national average with just 5 hours and...
Tips to Avoid or Manage Holiday Stress 2021

Tips to Avoid or Manage Holiday Stress 2021

Tips to Avoid or Manage Holiday Stress 2021 To some it may seem silly. But, holiday anxiety is a real issue.  Feeling like there’s a lack of time,  Having unrealistic expectations. And over committing yourself Are just a few reasons that many people suffer...
Commonly Used Food Additives Disrupt The Microbiome

Commonly Used Food Additives Disrupt The Microbiome

Commonly Used Food Additives Disrupt The Microbiome The appreciation of the beneficial microbes that live in both the colon and the gut has given rise to a study of synthetic food additives and their impact on health. In a collaborative study, researchers from Georgia...
How Alcohol Can Increase Anxiety and Panic Attacks

How Alcohol Can Increase Anxiety and Panic Attacks

How Alcohol Can Increase Anxiety and Panic Attacks There’s no doubt about it, alcohol alters cognitive ability. Temporarily boosting serotonin levels (the happy hormone). Otherwise, why would people drink it? While low levels of alcohol can lower inflammation in some...